Over 2,000 people signed up in 72 hours! Now… YES is going to change your life!!! Say yes today to your goals, dreams, visions, passions,...
Over 2,000 people signed up in 72 hours! Now… YES is going to change your life!!! Say yes today to your goals, dreams, visions, passions,...
I get asked a lot to mentor people into their God-given purpose. Because of my schedule I usually don’t have the time or space to do...
Just because an opportunity presents itself, and it looks appealing, doesn’t necessarily mean it is from God. And likewise, just because...
Stop trying to fit in. Stop trying to structure your business and your life to make your friends, your family, and the world happy. You...
Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me on my date of birth by sending cards,...
MEET US AT THE HILTON HOTEL WESTCHASE 9999 WESTHIEMER HOUSTON, TEXAS 77042 Attending and covering the Path2Purpose Conference for the 1st...
15 Minutes of Prayer and Meditation The most important part of my day is the morning hours. I awake early to pray over my life and...