Let’s take a few minutes to talk about it.  If you stumbled across this blog, 9 times out of 10 you have considered the question, “Is my...
Let’s take a few minutes to talk about it.  If you stumbled across this blog, 9 times out of 10 you have considered the question, “Is my...
Most marketers know the importance of creating unique content for different social mediums. For instance, would you use the same exact...
For marketers, the domain name system (DNS) can be a little tricky to navigate. If you’ve ever been tasked with buying a domain name,...
Over 2,000 people signed up in 72 hours! Now… YES is going to change your life!!! Say yes today to your goals, dreams, visions, passions,...
I get asked a lot to mentor people into their God-given purpose. Because of my schedule I usually don’t have the time or space to do...
They say when a savvy business woman walks into the room she changes the atmosphere. Make a positive influence when you step onto the...
Stop trying to fit in. Stop trying to structure your business and your life to make your friends, your family, and the world happy. You...
Destiny: Strategies for Success, is a fresh literary gold mine making its debut. This life-changing book, written by LaShanda Gary is...