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Stop trying to fit in. Stop trying to structure your business and your life to make your friends, your family, and the world happy. You...

Are You Giving Your Power Away?

Are You Giving Your Power Away? Yesterday morning, I woke up to this: 0800– A call from someone I hadn’t heard from in a while…asking to...


In life and in business, if you truly want to play a bigger, stronger, wiser and bolder game in 2016 (or any year) there are three areas...

Successfully Strong

We are in success overdrive this week at Dream. Build. Success. for our exciting event “Path2Purpose”. If you haven’t registered today...

A Different Word

While traveling I love how God speaks to me. I want to encourage you to travel more as an entrepreneur and person of faith. I strongly...


Wow what a quick week at G. Services & Design. We are finishing the plans for a few events next month. It has been smooth sailing at...


Hi Success Family, This week was all about going BIG at Dream & Build Success. We secured our location for the upcoming success event. At...

Be Bold

Hi Glam Fam! It has been a whirlwind this week at G. Services and Design, I am thanking God for the fruitfulness of our labor. We are...

© Dream Build Success 2018

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